Welcome to Podbytes! Listen to KPMG in Canada leaders and subject matter experts on a vast range of topics including our Audit, Tax, Advisory and Enterprise services. | Bienvenue sur PodBytes! Écoutez les dirigeants et les experts techniques de KPMG au Canada parler d’une vaste gamme de sujets, dont nos services-conseils et nos services aux entreprises, d’audit et de fiscalité.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Episode 3: Self-Care | Come As You Are
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Self-care is so important to stay well, and proactively take care of your mental health. In this episoide we share our favourite tools in our toolbelt; when and why we access them and what strategies or habits have assisted us in taking care of our mental health when our mental health needs to be taken care of.