Welcome to Podbytes! Listen to KPMG in Canada leaders and subject matter experts on a vast range of topics including our Audit, Tax, Advisory and Enterprise services. | Bienvenue sur PodBytes! Écoutez les dirigeants et les experts techniques de KPMG au Canada parler d’une vaste gamme de sujets, dont nos services-conseils et nos services aux entreprises, d’audit et de fiscalité.

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Episode 3: Down to business | Beyond - Season 1
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
How will businesses benefit from digital ID? From personally identifiable information of customers to that of their employees, Canadian businesses have a responsibility to securely manage and store identity data. In episode three of our four-part series we connect with privacy specialist, Sylvia Kingsmill, and IAM lead, Marc Chaput, to talk all about the business perspective.